January 18, 2019(Illustration: ‘Art Critic‘ by Norman Rockwell, found here). Wet, chilly and dark this Friday evening on California’s north coast, and a bad case of sad. Bad let-down, to say the least. I kind of knew/felt…
(Illustration: ‘Art Critic‘ by Norman Rockwell, found here). Wet, chilly and dark this Friday evening on California’s north coast, and a bad case of sad. Bad let-down, to say the least. I kind of knew/felt…
(Illustration: Edvard Munch‘s ‘The Scream,’ lithograph version, found here). Dark and gloomy this Thursday evening here on California’s north coast, in the middle of a two-day storm, rain and lightening this morning, sunshine this afternoon…
(Illustration found here). As far as our environment goes, it’s getting way-close to the now-or-we’re-fucked point — the Guardian yesterday: The study found that if all fossil fuel infrastructure — power plants, factories, vehicles, ships and…
Dreary, outside a bit of waiting-for-the storm weather this mid-day Wednesday on California’s north coast — the sky a deep and seemingly up-close ash-white, dusted with blustering winds, slashed on occasion by rapid-fire drizzle-droplets, heavy…
(Illustration: M.C Escher’s ‘Three Spheres II,’ found here). Faded-yellow sunshine — a surprise — this late-afternoon Tuesday on California’s north coast, as we were expecting some rain, though, there was a drizzle much earlier, the…
Early-evening Sunday here on California’s north coast, another gorgeous day with sunshine and warm temps (or the lack of hardly any wind) all day long — again to the dunes with the dogs, and then…
(Illustration above: M.C Escher’s ‘Scholastica,’ found here). As the work-week comes to a close this Friday evening, the natural momentum of our terrifying times-of-history doesn’t have weekends off, so the ruthless grind of weird shit…
(Illustration: Donald Trump, ‘Basic Shapes,‘ by caricaturist/illustrator Chong Jit Leong, found here). Another book about the shit-ways of the T-Rump, this time from political author Larry Leamer, and ‘Mar-a-Lago: Inside the Gates of Power at…
(Illustration by Handoko Tjung, found here). Sunshine though faded is fully-welcomed mid-afternoon Thursday here on California’s north coast, first real shine in awhile. Rain expected for tomorrow, maybe some sun on Saturday, but mostly just…
(Illustration: MC Escher’s engraving, ‘Old Oliver Tree,’ found here. Dark-clouds-overcast this early-evening Wednesday on California’s north coast, maybe some sunshine expected tomorrow, but mostly for the next few days is more of our current and…