Hacking Cough
May 22, 2014Dense ground fog along with its deep quiet this early Thursday on California’s north coast, but if the weather trend continues, sunshine later with a gusty wind for this afternoon. Normal here, might not be…
Dense ground fog along with its deep quiet this early Thursday on California’s north coast, but if the weather trend continues, sunshine later with a gusty wind for this afternoon. Normal here, might not be…
Clearly not an optimistic view of the near-future — last week, from the best news source up here on California’s north shoreline, the Lost Coast Outpost: When a security alarm went off a little after…
Overcast and rainy-looking this way-way-too-early Thursday here on California’s north coast, and since I’m on foot nowadays, the wet doesn’t make me want to dance a jig. Rain is forecast for the next couple of…
A bit overcast and quiet this early Wednesday on California’s north coast as we reach mid-week work style. There’s just way-too-many days between Monday and Friday. And speaking of ganja, especially up here in the…
Overcast with a bit of drizzle this early Thursday on California’s north coast — and warmer than expected as yesterday afternoon and evening were pretty chilly adding to the wet air. We’re here now, though,…
Ground fog and a little warm this way-too-early Thursday on California’s north coast as we cruise toward the weekend. And tomorrow’s Friday, so we ain’t that far away. Up this early, I down a cup…
Overcast, some ground fog and really quiet this Wednesday morning on California’s north coast — the environment typical for this area. Yesterday about the same. Fog in the morning, clearing with bright sunshine in the…
A bit of an overcast this dark and chilled Monday on California’s north coast as no matter how hard I tried, this is Monday again. Start of another work week, which although appears from this…
Clear-as-a-bell and chilly this early Wednesday on California’s north coast with rain apparently gone for awhile — warmer temperatures and sunny skies are forecast for the next week or so. Although we had some strong…
Overcast with a drizzly rain this early Monday on California’s north coast as we begin another freakin’ work week. No ground shaking, though, at least there’s that. And today is pure-booze day — St. Patrick’s is…