Tag Archives: economy

Dali Day This Labor Day 2021 AD

September 6, 2021

(Illustration: ‘Geopoliticus Child Watching The Birth Of A New Man,’ print, by Salvador Dali, and found here). Another screw of the clock face, and it’s Labor Day again, though, here in California’s Central Valley the…

California’s COVID Crusade: We Reopen! — What Next?

June 15, 2021

After an elderly guy in Placer County died in March 2020, the first COVID-19 death in California, the state with the rest of the country went into near-shock mode with lockdowns/shutdowns/stay-at-home orders, etc. that would…

‘Joints-For-Jabs’ A Real Thing — Incentive To Get Vaccinated!

June 8, 2021

Although the entire concept is crazy — an incentive to make you get a free, easy, near-painless injection that could save you or your family from a most-gruesome death — and these inducements have ranged…

Legalized Marijuana Has Majority Of Americans’ Support: Bill To Strike It Off Controlled-Substance List Making Another Round In Congress — Republicans Again The Assholes

May 30, 2021

In the hallowed-halls of Congress not much is accomplished nowadays, especially anything the majority of Americans support, or want done, so last week another step in the right direction for marijuana reform — except, of…