Tag Archives: global warming

US Back In The Climate-Change Game: Kerry Speaks To UN Summit

January 25, 2021

One of the top-notch items on President Joe Biden’s agenda is a return full-steam to addressing climate change, which under T-Rump was not just put on a back burner, but tossed-off the stove completely. In…

2020 Hottest Year On Record: ‘A Precursor Of More To Come’

January 14, 2021

Although all the screaming in the news cycle right now is primarily US domestic bullshit, any emphasis on the ugly elephant in the room (not the GOP) right now, which is climate change, goes near-about…

Michael Mann: ‘A second Trump term is game over for the climate — really!’

November 5, 2020

As we continue to wait for the final election results, here’s a reminder of a backburner issue that’s bigger than the stove, and most-likely bigger than the kitchen: (Illustration found here). Near-about pushed aside is the…

Heat in Time — ‘A Kind of Vicious Circle’

July 2, 2020

Hot but manageable this late-afternoon Thursday here in California’s Central Valley — temps have been high-90s this week, but by the weekend, supposedly back into the unbearable triple digits. Heat in the summer time… In…

Record High CO2 — Climate Scientist: ‘A reminder that climate change is not on pause in any way, shape or form’

June 4, 2020

Just short of the Thursday noon hour here in California’s Central Valley with temperatures near 100-degrees already as we get set for another hot/hottest afternoon ahead. Not much breeze, either, which makes the heat feel…

COVID-19 and Climate Change and ‘Locust Swarms’

April 25, 2020

Breezy Saturday afternoon in California’s Central Valley, laptop in the backyard on the glass table under the umbrella and live tapping, clicking on the outside. A good setting in our current form of environmental/health/living scenario.…

Tropical Forests Losing Ability to be ‘Carbon Sinks’ — New Research

March 4, 2020

(Illustration found at National Geographic). A new climate report that’s more than a little ominous — the Guardian this afternoon: Tropical forests are taking up less carbon dioxide from the air, reducing their ability to…