Tag Archives: global warming

Climate-Change Heat — ‘Windows’ of ‘Maybe’

August 1, 2017

Sunshine and warmth again this Tuesday afternoon on California’s north coast — we’re sitting near 70-degrees here close to 5 o’clock, forecast for the high-70s along the shoreline for tomorrow and Thursday. Sweet here, but way-hot-shitty…

Hiatus Due To Ignorance — Global Warming Keeps On Keeping On

May 4, 2017

Overcast with a thick layer of ground fog this Thursday morning on California’s north coast — rain forecast for later today and on into Friday, but the wet will supposedly short-lived as more sunshine due…

‘Trump Effect’ the Future

April 26, 2017

Light, misty-drizzle this early Wednesday on California’s north coast, and with low clouds/fog, a much-wet environment. If we can just get through today, hopefully/reportedly real-good weather starting tomorrow and carrying on for more than a…