T-Rump Lost The Election — Needs A Jail Cell
December 23, 2021Is the T-Rump going under or what? Time will not tell: Did the T-Rump just misspeak as he has tons of times before? Or it’s the itch of keeping a lid on such a most-prominent…
Is the T-Rump going under or what? Time will not tell: Did the T-Rump just misspeak as he has tons of times before? Or it’s the itch of keeping a lid on such a most-prominent…
As Republicans slowly-swiftly strangle democracy at the voting booth, there doesn’t seem to be much we can do, other than get as many people out to vote next November as possible. Until then: Shitty details…
As the COVID pandemic appears to be getting ready to hit the high-surge button again, this particular virus news story this morning was not top of a lot of media lists, usually well down on…
Awaiting the clouds to roll away this mid-day Thursday here in California’s Central Valley, in a move that hopefully will spark some supposed sunshine this afternoon — no rain forecast until next week. Weathering the…
People and events in the news and how they are portrayed to the American public is one of the reasons this country is probably up shit creek without a paddle. Beyond the media roar from…
Rain and wet coldness this late-afternoon Monday here in California’s Central Valley — we’re on the softer-end of an atmospheric river that’s supposed to really bring the state some rain and snow this week. Weather…
One despairing item of the T-Rumpian/GQP destruction of American democracy is the assholes are seemingly doing such horrible shit right out in the open — if not in the open at least with minimum cover.…
A bit of sunshine finally this late-afternoon Wednesday here in California’s Central Valley — an emotional good swing from the thick ‘radiation fog’ that’s been enveloping the valley for days on endless days. Sun is…
Fog again this late-afternoon Tuesday here in California’s Central Valley — tule gloom thick and depressing. After days of this shit, life seems to be a little sadder and ominous than even in the thinnest…
*UPDATE BELOW* Democracy and the law seem worlds apart nowadays with Republicans doing just about anything they want without a peek of a pushback from any legal office — Steve Bannon is still shitting freely…