Tag Archives: health

T-Rump ‘Nightmare’ And The COVID Killings

June 21, 2021

Here we are again, another Monday and with it another book detailing the horror of the T-Rump getting way-fucking flummoxed by the COVID-19 pandemic, brushing-aside warnings with narcissistic ignorance, allowing the virus to run rampant…

T-Rump Still Contributing To COVID Dying — ‘Vaccine On Very Young People Is Something That You’ve Got To Really Stop’

June 17, 2021

Even as life spins along and Joe Biden has been president nearly six months, the vile, infectious T-Rump virus continues to plague mankind and no known vaccine in sight, other than a way-shitload of people…

COVID Variants, A Deadly Heat Wave, And T-Rump A Psychopathic Asshole — Some News For The Day, Most Known Way-Already!

June 15, 2021

Usually, in putting together the couple of posts I do about every day, there’s always some seemingly-more interesting than the dozens of serious/important news items flashing across our screens 24/7, and one or two worthy…

California’s COVID Crusade: We Reopen! — What Next?

June 15, 2021

After an elderly guy in Placer County died in March 2020, the first COVID-19 death in California, the state with the rest of the country went into near-shock mode with lockdowns/shutdowns/stay-at-home orders, etc. that would…

Red States T-Rump Won Are Keeping America From COVID ‘Herd Immunity’ — Biden-Won States Reaching, Topping Vaccination Goals

June 12, 2021

Even as a lot of Americans are being vaccinated against COVID-19 — I’ve been fully-vaxxed for two months — this pandemic will never be truly over until the world is fully-vaxxed, too, and until then…

COVID Early Response Way-Mishandled By The T-Rump — Anthony Fauci Still About The Only Bright Light

June 1, 2021

A voice of reason and science in a plague of bullshit, Anthony Fauci continues to keep the COVID-19 menace in full view. In an interview at the Guardian yesterday, he again flashed a warning: “We…

CDC: If Fully Vaccinated, No Need For Masks (With Stipulations) — ‘A Great Milestone, A Great Day’

May 13, 2021

Finally, the time has come — if you’ve been fully vaccinated for COVID-19 the CDC announced today you don’t have to wear a mask, or even social distance yourself if you’re indoors, a heart-felt move…

Obvious To The World — One Side A Lie, The Other Truth

May 11, 2021

Although the shit seems to be hitting the crazy fan for Republicans, the chief point is events on both sides of the proverbial-political aisle is increasingky obvious to the whole-freaking world — on the reality…