Tag Archives: lying

Founding Fathers ‘Couldn’t Fathom’ An Asshole like the T-Rump

November 21, 2020

Horror of the 2020 election continues today as the T-Rump is still holding on fast to pure, unbridled bullshit. As he demonstrated yesterday during a quick press briefing, where after again proclaiing, “I won,” declined…

Coronavirus Info Death Rattle — Depends on the Source (And Sense)

March 19, 2020

Little wonder we’re having trouble getting a handle on COVID-19 here in the US, bullshit is sinking the playing field, not leveling it (h/t BJ): Yet the assholes at Fox News shifted their views without…

Truth and Accountability in T-Rump World

January 30, 2020

America in 2020 is on the precipice of history — this grand 250-plus-year-old experiment in governance is currently on unhinged footing, teetering at the edge of a deep-fall cliff, the plunge like chaos usually witnessed…

Iraq Again! ‘We Were Sent to Fight and Die for Absolutely Nothing’

December 31, 2019

Tomorrow is a brand-new year, but top of the news rounding-out 2019 is a topic decades old — Iraq. Via the Washington Post: Supporters of an Iranian-backed militia besieged the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad on…

MSM’s ‘Strategic Blindness’

December 26, 2019

Considered ‘Partly Cloudy‘ this mid-day Thursday in Merced, midst of California’s San Joaquin Valley, as I attempt to normalize my new home area — resided here thereabouts more than 30 years ago, thus I somewhat…

T-Rump Averages 16 Lies A Day — Fact Checker

June 10, 2019

Still bright and warm this early Monday evening here on California’s north coast, a gorgeous sunshine day with a summer’s heat. Supposedly, 74-degrees forecast tomorrow for Arcata, triple-digits interior temps, and fairly-much the same through…