Tag Archives: lying

Day of Infamy

January 20, 2017

Drizzling rain this early Friday on California’s north coast, buffed by a chilled-gusty wind — weather like this forecast until Tuesday, supposedly. Of course, the entire country was buffeted this morning with the inaugural of…

‘Global warming and “an extraordinary departure from the norm”’

December 7, 2016

Overcast this Wednesday morning on California’s north coast, with rain expected at any minute — supposedly rain until Saturday, at least, and some forecast to be fairly-decent in downfall. And cold-as-shit this morning, too. However,…

Journalism and T-Rump

November 29, 2016

Sharp, clean sunshine this early Tuesday on California’s north coast, way-chilly, though. As a former newspaper writer-person, reporting on T-Rump and his off-vibrates has got to be  weird as shit — for the first-time ever…

Autumn in the Greenhouse

September 22, 2016

Overcast with an occasional glare of sunlight this early Thursday on California’s north coast, with most-likely the continuing scenario of near-clear skies this afternoon. We’ve a decent chance of rain tomorrow, but probably not… Today…