Tag Archives: weather

Exploding Hot-Head Of Climate Change

July 18, 2022

Hot but not yet unpleasant near mid-day Monday here in California’s Central Valley, the big plus-factor is a nice breeze, which keeps the firestarter temperatures down a notch or two. Once that gentle wind evaporates,…

SCOTUS Shackles EPA On Climate Change — Justice Kagan Calls Bullshit: ‘I Cannot Think Of Many Things More Frightening’

June 30, 2022

Exciting life nowadays. In the midst of shit, a glimmer of positive news — via SciTechDaily: ‘Just in time for worldwide Asteroid Day: a threatening space rock lingered at the top of risk lists around…

Climate Change And Extreme Weather — ‘That Is Insane … Holy Shit’

June 18, 2022

Cool and comfortable this near-noon Saturday here in California’s Central Valley — guilt-outlandish considering a few other places: The video above has most-likely been viewed a shitload of times this past week as weather across…

Heat Dome Again — Climate Change Sucks Big Time

June 9, 2022

Summer explodes the environment: (Illustration: ‘Heat Dome’ across US Southwest and Pacific Coast this weekend, image found here). Overcast and though a bit warm, fairly comfortable outside here near noon Thursday in California’s Central Valley…

Another UN Climate-Change Warning — ‘A File Of Shame’

April 4, 2022

(Illustration: “Landscape of Change,” by Jill Pelto, and found here). As the world responds to the war-crime horrors of Vlad Putin’s monstrous invasion of Ukraine, the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) today released…

UN Chief: ‘We Are Sleepwalking To Climate Catastrophe’

March 21, 2022

Sunshine and warmth this late-afternoon Monday here in California’s Central Valley. Spring has sprung so summer won’t be long in coming — words to weed. Meanwhile. Ukraine has tragic consequences beyond its borders. Today, UN…

Frightful New UN Climate Report: ‘The Bleakest Warning Yet’ — War In Ukraine Maybe A Template For Action

February 28, 2022

Near-hot just at mid-day Monday here in California’s Central Valley as temperatures generate more than just warmth as maybe the weather feels as if it could leap spring altogether,  and crunch face-first into summer. Weather…

New Study Shows A Big Chunk Of Americans ‘Alarmed’ About Climate Change

January 13, 2022

As of late, my posts in the afternoon seem to have more climate change news than other horror shit, from over-heating oceans to super-hot months to super-hot years, and yesterday another sweltering weather report, this…

Earth’s Oceans Hottest In History — Global Warming Is Ocean Warming

January 11, 2022

Once again going beyond the horror of America’s one-sided democracy workshop, we are moved by another dire report on our collapsing environment and worsening life situation — one more heads-up to a code-red warning light…

Climate Change: ‘A Stark Reminder Of The Need To Change Our Ways’ — Duh!

January 10, 2022

(‘Increasing Forest Fire Activity‘ (watercolor and colored pencil) by climate-change artist, Jill Pelto). Beyond the pressing business of political ugliness, our weather is still taking a climate-changing whiplash. Although today here in California’s Central Valley…