Tag Archives: Madness

Seemingly Everybody Agrees: T-Rump is Nuts!

May 2, 2020

Saturday afternoon here in California’s Central Valley. Pleasant day overall, breezy and not bad. Considering. Blogging in the backyard again. Outside has become a habit, a quiet influence over a mental-screaming exasperation for our dour-looking…

Witless Trial: Senate a Combo ‘Car Wreck…Dumpster Fire’

January 31, 2020

Seemingly, the nowadays a drama-like perpetual-motion machine — in a snap of time this morning (a measured dog-walk length), comes this: When I’d left on the walk with Leroy, my daughter’s Basset/Greyhound mix, the pose…

Kushner-Ross — Malignant Morons

January 30, 2020

As most-all eyes are fastened on daddy T-Rump’s idiotic impeachment trial, son-in-law Jared Kushner is making the world safe for grifters: Some background via Vanity Fair yesterday: Last June, more than two years after his…

T-Rump Creating ‘High Levels of Emotionality’ With ‘Overwhelmed, Anxious, or Angry’ Americans — New Study

January 14, 2020

Our life nowadays is geared toward a sense of apprehension and dread — can’t be helped. This terrifying era of the T-Rump is one of chaos and constant clutter of shit-kicking episodes of bat-shit crazy,…

WTF! — ‘War, huh, good god, What is it good for? Absolutely nothing, listen to me…’

January 3, 2020

A short new year and we’re up to our asses in dangerous shit in a hurry. Despite acting DHS honcho Chad Wolf declaring this morning there’s ‘currently no specific, credible threats against our homeland,’ the…