Not Again!

June 3, 2013

i-hate-mondays-cartoon-598x818No matter how you look at it, the weekend’s over and we’re at Monday again — and typically it’s overcast and warm up here on California’s north coast with another work week staring straight into my face.
And we’re moving beyond the half-way point for 2013 with asshole Santa Claus a distant, terrible memory. Time flies regardless of the time.

On notice: “Let me ask you something. When you come in on Monday and you’re not feeling real well, does anyone ever say to you, “Sounds like someone has a case of the Mondays?”
“No. No, man. Shit, no, man. I believe you’d get your ass kicked sayin’ something like that, man.”

Well, I’d like to kick Monday’s ass.

(Illustration found here).

And the first chance our beautiful landscape up here gets to be in a big budget, widescreen movie, WTF is ‘After Earth‘?
Our gorgeous redwoods caught in one of the worse films ever made: After Earth, shot on Sony’s F65 CineAlta digital system, looks consistently unreal. Its pasteurized visuals are less persuasive and distinctive than the matte paintings that Albert Whitlock devised for The Birds, Diamonds Are Forever and Earthquake. State-of-the-art the new movie’s technology may be, but offering little innovative cinematic art.
We can’t catch a break.

Same thing with our massive manhunt early last month for a guy who supposedly killed his wife and their two young daughters — he’s vanished.
Shane Miller fled Shingletown, a small town about 200 mileseast of here, after the shootings to Petrolia, a town of about 300 residents in neighboring Humboldt County that abuts the Pacific Ocean and dense forestlands. After a massive law-enforcement manhunt that even made the national news, the cops came up empty handed.
Via the LA Times:

Dennis Handy, a 69-year-old sculptor in Petrolia, said the tiny town is starting to feel like its old self.
“It’s going back to abnormal, into this quirky little place,” Handy said.
“It’s paradise.”
On Friday afternoon while visiting the Petrolia general store, Handy had a brief flashback to the height of the manhunt.
More than three dozen law enforcement officers in full camouflage and off-road vehicles gathered as a helicopter buzzed overhead.
Knight said there was SWAT training that day, and authorities decided to combine it with the search for Miller.
Handy said some residents believe Miller killed himself, while others think he fled for parts unknown.
“I got 10 percent that he shot himself,” Handy said.
“But I think he’s gone.”

Maybe the 10 percent solution.

But we have to continue on into the week without exception, the alternative ain’t pretty, and with the news flat as a pancake this morning, there’s a lot we have to experience before the weekend rolls around again. What blistering horror awaits?
My most-favorite poet, Emily Dickinson, attacks the subject — “A Day! Help! Help! Another Day!

A Day! Help! Help! Another Day!
Your prayers, oh Passer by!
From such a common ball as this
Might date a Victory!
From marshallings as simple
The flags of nations swang.
Steady—my soul: What issues
Upon thine arrow hang!

And do not for any reason act like you’ve got a case of the Mondays — you could get your ass whipped on top of everything else.

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