Author Archives: Bruce Maulden

Afghan Agony: Abdication Anarchy

August 3, 2021

(Illustration: Map design: Joshua Project, and was found here). Despite the long-history, the US withdrawal from Afghanistan is back-burner news, and most-likely won’t become front-and-center until the Taliban gain control of the country and slaughter…

Climate Change vs COVID — ‘Unfortunately There Is No Vaccine For Climate Change’

August 2, 2021

In the current stock of things this Monday afternoon — like Greece. Today the CDC put Greece and 15 other countries on a “Level 4: COVID-19 Very High” shit list for Americans to travel due to…

Poll: Slim Majority Of Americans ‘At Least Somewhat Support’ Face Masks

August 2, 2021

In this day and age, supposedly a time found in what’s generically called the modern era, the drag on overcoming a pandemic is both horrifying and sad. The Spanish Flu of a 100-plus-years ago could…

Matt Gaetz: ‘I Got The Freedom Variant … It Affects The Brain’

August 1, 2021

Hot outside this late-afternoon Sunday here in California’s Central Valley, yet although we’re at triple-digit temperatures, the air doesn’t seem as heavy as yesterday (at about the same time and temperature), a sense which could…

T-Rump To The DOJ In December Call: ‘Just Say That The Election Was Corrupt + Leave The Rest To Me’

July 30, 2021

Weather lede again this mid-day Friday here in California’s Central Valley — we’re at 94-degrees right now with a forecast buzz-high of 104, which despite what the prediction-people say, feels like we’ve already cleared that…

‘Earth Overshoot Day’ — A Climate Change/Humanity Indicator

July 29, 2021

Some more climate-related items for this Thursday afternoon as the weekend looms just ahead — another wrecked week of weird. A special day today, sort of hand-in-hand with climate change and the environment — Earth…

Body Armor To QAnon — Republicans Are Way-Dumb Chaos Creatures Right Out In The Open

July 29, 2021

A couple of items this Thursday morning that seem to project just what a miserable state-of-affairs is the entire Republican Party — lying, delusional and nasty is their entire bag. Mo Brooks, the asshole from…

Climate Change ‘Tipping Points’ Are Here — Time Is Of The Panicked Essence

July 28, 2021

Despite all the juice from a shitload of news, the climate crisis caught my attention again this afternoon, especially with reports that we’re close to tipping points for the worse aspects of global warming, if…