Author Archives: Bruce Maulden

Climate Crisis — Time Running Out: ‘Now Here We Are’

November 18, 2019

Foggy-dark-already this early-evening Monday here on California’s north coast, closing time to another dark day which did carry occasional sparks of sunlight through low-hanging clouds, briefly shinning, then returning to dismal. Supposedly wet the next…

Impeachment-Bar Drinks — ‘Best Served on a Subpoena’

November 13, 2019

Foggy, damp and more-than-cool this Wednesday evening on California’s north coast — sunshine busted through a bit in the early afternoon, but slowly the scenery went all fucking gray again. Seems like everything has gotten…

Round Three Tomorrow of the Infamous PSPS ‘Pisser’

October 28, 2019

Clear skies and chilly this early-evening Monday on California’s north coast, and a return of electrical power just a couple of hours ago, a short respite until another “PSPS Piss-Piss” scheduled for tomorrow morning —…