Losing the Marbles
July 17, 2013Here we are smack-dab in the middle of the week already — routine overcast and chilly on California’s north coast this morning as we descend toward the weekend. Doing a work week is really, really…
Here we are smack-dab in the middle of the week already — routine overcast and chilly on California’s north coast this morning as we descend toward the weekend. Doing a work week is really, really…
Another Monday morning here on California’s north coast — as it is all over — and we begin a work week again. At least, the weather lately has been about near-perfect for this area of…
Although seemingly obvious from the beginning, George Zimmerman’s trial turned into a kind of legal theatrical farce, and the outcome predictable, though still fairly shitty, and fairly harsh. The US appears in the throes of…
Overcast this early Friday on California’s north coast and here we are again on the cusp of another weekend — can’t get here soon enough. Time flies even when you’re doing absolutely nothing — there…
Earlier this afternoon, just after work, and on an initial surf to catch up on the news via the InerWebs, up pops another explosive Eddie Snowden tidbit: Microsoft has collaborated closely with US intelligence services…
Fog-bound again this early Thursday and a bit on the chilly side for this part of California’s northern coast — the sunshine will burn through before mid-day, always does. Life is expectant. The NSA/surveillance shit-storm…
Overcast and darkly-gloomy this early Tuesday on California’s north coast — a sense felt ’round the world. And with all the bad news exploding all around, from Egypt to everywhere, there’s this ludicrous note: A…
Another high overcast morning on California’s north coast, but this being a Friday, there’s still joy in the air. As of late, the sun will eventually burn off the moisture and life will be happy…
Crystal-clear skies and a bit on the chilly side this fourth of July Thursday on California’s north coast — the sound of the Pacific Ocean a quiet moan from the west. Life continues whether we…
Another middle-of-the-week Wednesday with high overcast skies and chilly temperatures here on California’s northern coast — the weekend now a faint, pulsating glow in the near-distance. Only lately have I really, really sought the weekends…