Category Archives: Bullshit

Insurrection On The Insurrection Committee

July 21, 2021

One thing Republicans can’t handle is pushback, and their response is generally a baby-whine of pity and way-dumb self-righteousness, and this morning a fine example — Kevin McCarthy got his feelings hurt by Nancy Pelosi:…

Clueless ‘Coup’ Confession

July 15, 2021

Hot but not unpleasant this late-afternoon Thursday here in California’s Central Valley, though we’re forecast for another ‘mega-heat wave’ this weekend (happily about as bad as our last hot spell, but not as ‘mega’ as…

T-Rump: Putin’s Pawn — ‘Impulsive, Mentally Unstable And Unbalanced Individual Who Suffers From An Inferiority Complex’

July 15, 2021

Despite being out of office/power for six months, the T-Rump continues to be a center of attention, though, all the notice is horrifying — even knowing full-well with a shitload of evidence he just might…

Condo Collapse And The DOJ Contests Georgia Voting Suppression Laws — One A Horrible Tragedy With Approaching Reprecussions, The Other A Glimmer OF Hope For The Future Of Democracy

June 25, 2021

So far this Friday morning there’s at least two major news stories rolling out, both have current significance as well as somewhat longer-range connotations. Oddly, too, the pair also should be of no big surprise. Shock…