Category Archives: Bullshit

Dying To The “Roaring 20s’ For Possible Post-COVID Future

December 21, 2020

Deep-foggy here in California’s Central Valley, and feels like it’s foggy all over the world… Except it’s fog and not rain, and I’m in Californa, not Georgia, but due to the pandemic and all its…

Mitt Romney On T-Rump’s Shit ‘So Nutty And Loopy’

December 20, 2020

On this fog-induced chilly Sunday afternoon here in California’s Central Valley, some decent-good news from way-back East — Congress critters say they have finally “finalized an agreement“ for a $900 billion COVID relief package, which…

Michael Cohen On The T-Rump: ‘We Will All See His Behavior Deteriorate Until It Progresses Into A Full Mental Breakdown’

December 19, 2020

No doubt the T-Rump is one of most way-terrible, awful people who’s ever lived, and that’s covering a shitload of historical ground. Along with the cruel awfulness, he’s frightfully fairly-close to being really-bad ‘mentally divergent,’…

A Truth About Republicans: ‘I’m not saying they’re not a bunch of fuckers’

December 18, 2020

This pissed me so-off this week — I was going to post about it yesterday, but ran out of both time and energy — the shifty shittiness of Republicans after four years of the nasty,…

The Russians Are Here, The Russians Are Here — ‘The Largest Espionage Attack In History’

December 17, 2020

Last Sunday came word some ‘unknown’ hackers (Russians!) cracked the cyber systems of multiple US government agencies — from the Department of Homeland Security to the Department of Commerce — and maybe some state/city networks…

Republican Lies Are Killing America

December 15, 2020

Politics of health nowadays is deadly. Here on this Tuesday evening, the country is being ground into mush by a pandemic fueled in part by a huge faction of Americans sprouting bullshit from the Republican…