Category Archives: Bullshit

‘There is no doubt’ — Oceans Bombarded ‘One Atomic Bomb Explosion Per Second’

January 7, 2019

(Illustration: Salvador Dali’s ‘Hell Canto 2: Giants,’ found here). Another brick in the wall of climate change, probably, and way-most-likely the biggest, nastiest danger facing all of us right now — despite the horror of the…

‘Dozens of Unfiltered Lies into the Political Bloodstream’

January 7, 2019

(Illustration: ‘Pinocchio,’ by Enrico Mazzanti (1852-1910), found here). Overcast-gray skies this late-afternoon Monday here on California’s north coast — deep-cloudy just about all day, but the NWS forecasts ‘Widespread Rain‘ (1-3-inches at least) with ‘Strong Winds‘…

Global ‘Warming’ Has Become Global ‘Heating’

December 14, 2018

(Illustration found here). As our environmental situation shifts, the phrase, ‘climate change,’ and even ‘global warming,’ don’t express the reality — from Commondreams yesterday: “I’ve worked on this for 30 years and I’ve never been as…

‘Evidence Free Zone’

December 13, 2018

(Illustration: Salvador Dali’s ‘Exploding Raphaelesque Head,’ found here). As the crookedly-corrupt cookie crumbles, petulant incompetent crime boss, the T-Rump, slapped snotty: — according to the UK’s Independent this morning: Donald Trump has reportedly cancelled the…

Drama Queen — ‘all-Donald-all-the-time universe we live in’

December 10, 2018

(Illustration: Pablo Picasso’s ‘Self Portrait Facing Death‘ (June 30, 1972), was originally found here). Chilly-dark this Monday evening on California’s north coast, sunshine through-out the day, a little rain expected tomorrow, more sun Wednesday and…

Weathering the Climate

December 9, 2018

(Illustration: Artwork from the UN’s International Children’s Painting Competition, found here). Raindrops and gray — a wet-touch with color for this early-evening Sunday here on California’s north coast, the air all day clipped by some…