‘Hoax’ Not Thyself
November 17, 2016Clear and chilly this Thursday morning on California’s north coast — sunshine way-bright. A long cycle of rain storms starts tomorrow, so I must enjoy the ‘shine. Not bright is T-Rump and climate change —…
Clear and chilly this Thursday morning on California’s north coast — sunshine way-bright. A long cycle of rain storms starts tomorrow, so I must enjoy the ‘shine. Not bright is T-Rump and climate change —…
Sunshine briefly this Wednesday morning here on California’s north coast — bright gaps in an otherwise rolling weather system churning northward, bringing mostly just heavier-than-drizzle precipitation. And continuing to weather the T-Rump age — already…
Rain and a chilled wind this early Tuesday on California’s north coast — supposedly, showers the rest of today. The UN reported Monday, 2016 will most-likely be the hottest year ever, third record as such…
Hints at sunshine still eastward behind a broken-overcast sky this early Friday on California’s north coast — rain expected this afternoon, and through the weekend. Veterans Day, and an oddball Friday ‘federal holiday‘ in a…
Thick, wet marine layer blankets California’s north coast this early Thursday — supposedly, the fog will burn-off into a ‘Mostly Sunny‘ day. Hope springs eternal… Yet reality of T-Rump — slim-jim-shit-head Paul Ryan gleefully gushed…
Bright sunshine on California’s north coast, this horrid early Wednesday — the air is dark and vicious, though. Garrison Keillor nailed it this morning at the Washington Post: Mr. Trump was the cruelest candidate since…
Sunshine this early Wednesday on California’s north coast, and supposedly should be another awesome day, clear and dry — yesterday was near-spectacular, even warm late in the afternoon. Some rain, or drizzle probably, forecast for…
Gorgeous Tuesday afternoon here on California’s north coast — bright sunshine and a mild breeze, though, on the slightly-chilled side. Supposedly, clear until tomorrow night when maybe some rain, but no strong, wet-weather system forecast…
Halloween in the late afternoon and raining — frightful times all around. An Op/Ed yesterday in the LA Times by Leo Braudy, professor of English and American literature at USC, focused on the ‘monster‘ aspects of…
High overcast with occasional stretches of blue sky, but no sun yet. We’re supposed to be clear this afternoon… In living with natural weather, we’ve also had to ‘weather,’ as in ‘cope,’ with a terrifyingly-horrible…