Category Archives: Crime

Nadya Tolokonnikova Of Pussy Riot: ‘Dictators Act A Lot Like Prison Wardens. They Treat Kindness As Weakness’

March 8, 2022

In the shitstorm of horror stories, we need to shine a glimmer of light in the Putin-addled darkness: In context with that — another good read in the Ukrainian/Russian sphere of nasty influence this afternoon…

‘Visual Forensics’ For The Cellphone Ukrainian War

March 3, 2022

Near a week now the fighting in Ukraine, still reeling from the staged, bloody-incompetent war waged by Vlad Putin’s Russian-named army — the outcast drum beats steady toward the way-obvious aggressor. However, a conflict as…

French President Macron: Putin’s Destruction Of Ukraine — ‘The Worst Is Yet To Come’

March 3, 2022

Just a few minutes after the noon hour Thursday here in California’s Central Vally, as the real-time exposition of the devastation/massacre in Ukraine continues slipshod nasty for another day. News just goes bad to worse.…

Intellectual Historian: Vlad Putin ‘An Aging Man Facing His Own Death Had Decided To Destroy The Whole World’

March 2, 2022

Another Ukraine daily war episode — nearly a week’s worth now — and apparently from all indications the whole horrible affair could be nasty and long-lived until there’s an end or whatever nutcase Vlad Putin…

Vlad Putin ‘Increasingly Unhinged’

February 28, 2022

In context of the current civilian-war zone in Ukraine, I came across some interesting tidbits while doomscrolling the InbterWebs this afternoon, a goodly chunk maybe mainly on how Vlad Putin is an unhinged asshole who…

Maddow: Putin A ‘Kleptocratic Dictator’

February 25, 2022

Entering the third day of the crazed, maladjusted invasion of Ukraine, Rachel Maddow set the standard in revealing the real asshole, piece of shit that’s Vlad Putin — a whine-fest way-anti-democratic and dangerous turd: Rachel…

Introspection In Time And History — Russians and Republicans

February 22, 2022

Once again, back again this near-mid-day Tuesday here in California’s Central Valley — expecting some rain this afternoon, but this is drought infested lands, so I don’t expect much. Despite not feeling real good, at…