Category Archives: Donald Trump

Public Hearings On Jan. 6 Insurrection/Riot — ‘Shake The Beltway Inertia’ On Actual Seriousness Of T-Rump’s Coup Attempt

December 12, 2021

One despairing item of the T-Rumpian/GQP destruction of American democracy is the assholes are seemingly doing such horrible shit right out in the open — if not in the open at least with minimum cover.…

Media Thrills: Don & Bill’s Flop Tour; Chris Wallace Scampers Away

December 12, 2021

A Sunday morning nutjobs precipice: The obvious national criminal activity from the T-Rump and his half-wit cronies doesn’t even seem to hamper the scam as he remains free as a bird to plunge onto a…

California COVID Surge Despite High Vaccination Rates: ‘Still In A Risky Situation’

November 20, 2021

Sunshine again this late-afternoon Saturday here in California’s Central Valley — there was deep fog earlier but burned off and we found ourselves with a nice autumn day, with warmish temperatures stoked by cool, wimpish…

Mark Meadows Muffs, Merrick Still Missing — Justice Not Timely At All (UPDATE — Bannon Indicted!)

November 12, 2021

*UPDATE BELOW* Democracy and the law seem worlds apart nowadays with Republicans doing just about anything they want without a peek of a pushback from any legal office — Steve Bannon is still shitting freely…

T-Rump’s Lawyers Try Again To Stall Release Of Records For Insurrection Committee (UPDATE)

November 11, 2021

UPDATE Below: As the law reaches for the fat-neck of the T-Rump, his lawyers filed a request this morning for a momentary stay of the order issued on Tuesday to allow T-Rump’s records to be…

Does AG Merrick Garland Know Democracy Is Under Attack And Time Is Of The Essence?

November 10, 2021

Despite the motion of prosecuting the T-Rump and his cronies moving quickly forward, the legal ramifications of ignoring the due process of law have so far been a wash. And despite, too, the ruling last…

Danger Of Mob Mentality And Violence On Democracy

November 9, 2021

Thick overcast and looking like rain this mid-day Tuesday here in California’s Central Valley — we had some last night, but none so far today, though, it appears ready to unleash a torrent at any…

Message For Democrats From This Week’s Elections: ‘Effectively Communicate’ — Nothing Heavy!

November 4, 2021

In the aftermath of Tuesday’s debacle of keeping democracy alive in America a lot has been written about what happened, who’s to blame, and what can be done about it. Most are bullshit, but there’s…

In Reality Time Climate Change Makes ‘Mother Nature’ Meaner

November 2, 2021

In an attempt this late-afternoon Tuesday to stay away from news on the Virginia governor’s race (too anxiety-like depressing), and the sad shenanigans in DC (Asshole Joe Manchin being an asshole, also down-deep depressing) as…