Category Archives: Economy

Climate Change: By 2100 We’ll Have Just A Month Of Winter A Year

March 21, 2021

(Illustration found here). Even as the days churn onward, climate change is a most-persistent bitch and will only get way-worse if no heavy-duty steps are taken, and the way the situation is building — even…

Rand Paul Is A Gigantic Asshole, But Duh! He’s A Republican

March 18, 2021

A major problem in Amerca right now is the Republican Party. They’re all assholes. As a nation we’re facing a massivce health event — COVID-19, whch has already claimed 550,000 American lives in just a…

Republicans Are Dangerous — Both With Democracy And With People Staying Alive

March 11, 2021

As I posted yesterday about vote suppression across the US by Republicans, it seems Georgia is not alone in bullshit hypocrisy with Arizona a way-prime example: The GOP is fucked with voters and they know…

Biden Signs COVID Bill! Checks In The Bank ‘Early As This Weekend’

March 11, 2021

An unexpected pleasure: Via the Guardian‘s live blog: With the flick of his pen, Biden signed into law a $1.9tn coronavirus relief package, cementing the first major legislative victory of his presidency. “This historic legislation…

Joe Biden’s COVID-Relief Bill Is Hugely Popular, But GOP Congresscritters Hate It — They’re Gambling On Bullshit

March 9, 2021

Rain expected any time now this late-afternoon Tuesday here in California’s Central Valley, although showers were forecast to have arrived already, and the way this winter is going, rain-wise, it may not come at all.…

Senate Passes COVID Relief Bill 50-49 — No GOPers On Board

March 6, 2021

Finally, this monrning after way-too-much bullshit: Details via The Washington Post just a bit ago: The Senate approved a $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief plan on Saturday, as Democrats muscled through a marathon debate — and…

Time Tight Toward COVID/Spending Bill — T-Rump May/May Not Sign (UPDATE: T-Rump Signed!)

December 27, 2020

UPDATE: ‘Per CNN: President Donald Trump has signed the massive $2.3 trillion dollar coronavirus relief and government funding bill into law Sunday night, according to multiple sources, averting a government shutdown that was set to…