Category Archives: Health

Cheers For Death From CPAC: ‘Horrifying’ Says Fauci

July 11, 2021

In the long-short run, conservatives/Republicans are destroying America on many levels, from the ballot box to the classroom, but maybe the worse strike is death — fighting the fighting of a deadly virus that’s already…

Michael Mann: ‘That Heat Dome? Yeah, It’s Climate Change’

June 30, 2021

As weather/climate change has become a major, near-continous, much-copious series of news stories, this a fortuitous film moment in Kansas: Not much information beyond the video — did find this via Yahoo: ‘In the midst…

COVID Delta Variant Creating ‘A Pandemic Of Unvaccinated People’

June 29, 2021

Starting to get warmer this mid-morning Tuesday here in Califoria’s Central Valley — we’re temp-wise forecast for triple-figures again by mid-afternoon, but the bad heat seems past us, for right now. Low-90s reportedly rest of…

T-Rump ‘Nightmare’ And The COVID Killings

June 21, 2021

Here we are again, another Monday and with it another book detailing the horror of the T-Rump getting way-fucking flummoxed by the COVID-19 pandemic, brushing-aside warnings with narcissistic ignorance, allowing the virus to run rampant…

Arrival Of ‘The Mega-Heat Wave’ — Part Deux: Seeing Laboratory-Research Models Come Alive, ‘Surreal’

June 18, 2021

As the fever-fiery, ‘mega-heat wave‘ continues here in California’s Central Valley and across a large chunk of the western US, the Friday news dump turned out in actuality to be sort an extension of my…