Category Archives: History

Linking Climate Change To Some Weather Events Are Easier Than Others: ‘Making The Connection To Tornadoes Is The Hardest Of All’

December 11, 2021

Piggy-backing on the tornado story from earlier as the question of climate change enters the picture of wreckage as we see twisters of such extreme, and nearly-rare and unusually violent storms, that wrecked the mid-west…

Twisters Unhinged

December 11, 2021

Another horrendous weather-related story way-topped the news cycle this near mid-day Saturday, and it tags on what we here in California’s Central Valley can expect starting tomorrow and running until mid-week. However, last night/today’s tragedy…

Democracy Dying? — ‘A Moment Of Great Peril And Risk’

November 22, 2021

As America wades into the start of the 2021 holiday season there’s violent weirdness seeping into the festivities — along with a fatal SUV attack at a Wisconsin parade, Kyle Rittenhouse walking and a shitload…

Climate Change At Work Again In The Pacific Northwest: Efforts To Combat World Warming Need Bolstering — ‘A Lot Of Inaction That Gets Disguised As Flexibility, And We’re Past That Time’ And On A Short Road To Catastrophe

November 21, 2021

(Illustration found here). As weather events are more and more being closely tied to climate change and the short shadow from the just-completed COP26 (which was another climate-action cop-out) is still weighing heavily in the…

California COVID Surge Despite High Vaccination Rates: ‘Still In A Risky Situation’

November 20, 2021

Sunshine again this late-afternoon Saturday here in California’s Central Valley — there was deep fog earlier but burned off and we found ourselves with a nice autumn day, with warmish temperatures stoked by cool, wimpish…

Scream Against The Night — Republicans Relentlessly-Ridiculously Ruthless

November 19, 2021

America is of two camps, one humane and thoughtful, the other, cruel and insane. In the dark shadow of the vicious future of murder and firearm control created by the Kyle Rittenhouse acquittal, the House…

Democracy In Peril — GOP Gerry-rigging 2022 Elections

November 16, 2021

Fog again this late-afternoon Tuesday here in California’s Central Valley — tule gloom thick and depressing. After days of this shit, life seems to be a little sadder and ominous than even in the thinnest…