Category Archives: infrastructure

Methane-Inflamed Climate Change Melting Time: ‘Warming Feeding The Warming?’

February 10, 2022

Another warm day here in California’s Central Valley, any distinction between just ‘warm‘ and ‘hot‘ swiftly fading from our daily weather. Summer in these parts is grossly livable — we experience way-too-few weeks of the…

Quake A Volcano Eruption And Get A Tsunami

January 15, 2022

On top of all the other shit we got going, today/yesterday a big-ass volcano/earthquake: (Illustration found here). The event a peculiar one with a massive volcano eruption enabling a 5.8 earthquake, a double-bang situation that…

Republicans — Way-Serious Hypocrites

December 16, 2021

Awaiting the clouds to roll away this mid-day Thursday here in California’s Central Valley, in a move that hopefully will spark some supposed sunshine this afternoon — no rain forecast until next week. Weathering the…

CO2 Surging Into The Atmosphere, Swamps Climate Change Goals — ‘We Are Way Off Track’

October 25, 2021

Partly cloudy with an occasional glimpse of sunshine here in California’s Central Valley — our version of the first big storm of the season was quick and short with hard rain ending this morning.  Although…

‘Pineapple Express’ To Drench California — Albeit Drought Resistant, However

October 23, 2021

Overcast this late-afternoon Saturday here in California’s Central Valley, a set-up for the massive rainstorms coming tomorrow and lasting through Monday — an early-in-the-season ‘atmospheric river‘ is expected to dump 1.5-to-2-inches of rain on us…

Terrible Times’ Most-Terrible Tweets

September 7, 2021

Warm and near-about comfortable this mid-day Tuesday here in California’s Central Valley — first day of the ‘fall season,’ a time zone which usually lasts until about Halloween, then the holiday season kicks in, amping…

Hurricane Ida So Strong It Briefly Changed The Direction Of The Mississippi River — A Preview Of Storms To Come

August 29, 2021

Another heavy-air scorcher this late-afternoon Sunday here in California’s Central Valley, though, skies today were a little less rusty-brown with the onset of some decent winds which kept the sunshine fairly-bright and a sharper yellow.…

Polls And More Polls — Looking Bad For Republicans

April 7, 2021

(Illustration: ‘Look, We’ve Got To Improve Our Voter-tracking,’ canvas print by Rpbert Mankoff, and found here). In an obvious reaction to the T-Rump and Republicans in general the past four years (especially the last couple),…

‘Infrastructure Week’ — For Real This Time!

April 4, 2021

Anyone who does any driving — Before Times and the COVID pandemic, of course — can see our roadways, bridges and assorted, related structures are shot-to-shit and have been in crappy-dangerous condition for a long…