Category Archives: Journalism

Putin Wannabe Czar

March 7, 2022

Approaching early-evening and darkness here this Monday in California’s Central Valley, and in the continuing plotline of the nowadays, it’s also near-upon 4 o’clock tomorrow morning in Ukraine. Beyond the death and destruction, this afternoon…

‘Press, Press, Pull’ — MSM And The Two Rs (Russians/Republicans)

March 4, 2022

Approaching late morning and the noon hour this Friday here in California’s Central Valley — overcast with gentle sprinkles, a weather pattern known lately on the Left Coast (and other sections of the Western US)…

‘Visual Forensics’ For The Cellphone Ukrainian War

March 3, 2022

Near a week now the fighting in Ukraine, still reeling from the staged, bloody-incompetent war waged by Vlad Putin’s Russian-named army — the outcast drum beats steady toward the way-obvious aggressor. However, a conflict as…

Vlad Putin ‘Increasingly Unhinged’

February 28, 2022

In context of the current civilian-war zone in Ukraine, I came across some interesting tidbits while doomscrolling the InbterWebs this afternoon, a goodly chunk maybe mainly on how Vlad Putin is an unhinged asshole who…

War! — ‘Friend Only To The Undertaker’

February 24, 2022

(Illustration from The New York Times earlier this morning). As I type this post, I’m watching Joe Biden do his thing as all of us come to grips with a shitty, un-called-for war in Ukraine, and…

Breaking News! Fox Hiding The Henhouse

February 8, 2022

One of the massive problems facing the political airwaves as we approach this coming November ballot box — liars have their own cable-news network. And like the T-Rump, just don’t give a shit: Rupar is…

Joe And Grown-Up Talk

January 24, 2022

After performing sub-level work on a continuous basis, Fox News‘ Peter Doocy today appeared once again on the receiving end of reality inspired by obvious sense and truth — Joe Biden slipped into the common-man…