Category Archives: Journalism

Media Should Cover Republicans Truthfully — GOP A Way-Serious Threat To American/World Democracy

July 28, 2021

Sunny, hot, and somewhat-humid this mid-day Wednesday here in California’s Central Valley. Even with scattered-overcast skies, it’s going to get warm — we’re in the mid-80s right now, forecast for 103 later this afternoon. Just…

T-Rump: Putin’s Pawn — ‘Impulsive, Mentally Unstable And Unbalanced Individual Who Suffers From An Inferiority Complex’

July 15, 2021

Despite being out of office/power for six months, the T-Rump continues to be a center of attention, though, all the notice is horrifying — even knowing full-well with a shitload of evidence he just might…

White House Reporters: Joe Biden Not ‘Dramatic’ Enough

July 14, 2021

Journalism, or at least what figures as journalism nowadays, got front-and-center today in another dust-up between the marvelous Jen Psaki, and Fox News‘ Peter Doocy, one tone-deaf dumb-ass: Highlights via Raw Story: White House Press…

The Press Is Finally Coming Around To Calling Republican Lies As ‘Lies’ With No More Sugarcoating — But Is It Too Late?

May 10, 2021

Media big-wigs of the MSM are finally circling around to reality journalism of calling Republican lies as ‘lies,’ and not ‘falsehoods, or ‘inaccurate claims,’ or some such nonsense, but f*cking-ass lying. The process has been…

The Rehabilitation Of GW Bush: Another Offering Of A ‘Big Lie’

April 24, 2021

Just weeks following his election in 2008, President Obama did a couple of things that both pissed me off and let me down — one was naming Tim Geithner as treasury secretary (and later Larry…

Media Handling Of The J&J Vaccine Pause ‘Bungled’ — Led To Even More Vaccine ‘Hesitancy’

April 14, 2021

Finally off the shit list — today Merced County where I live skipped up a notch from the worse in California. From the Merced Sun-Star this morning: Merced County officials say they received good news…