Category Archives: Journalism

Media And The Midterms — Tell The Truth About The Horror Of Republicans: ‘Goal Of A Responsible News Organization Is Not To Get People To Vote A Specific Way. But It Is To Make Sure That Everyone Understands What’s At Stake’

May 18, 2022

As we approach the midterms, the biggest obstacle in the way of democracy being upheld is the real rule of journalism — tell the actual, f*cking truth. A nifty, right-on piece directed at the root…

Reality Of Florida Banning Math Books — ‘In General, The Textbooks Encouraged Young Students To Be Nice To Each Other And Themselves’

April 21, 2022

Overcast under threat of rain near-noon Thursday here in California’s Central Valley — although no precipitation the last couple of hours, forecast is for supposedly ‘heavy rain’ this afternoon. Time will tell, however. A resident…

Exploding Tweet-Heads: ‘What Is Happening Here Is Beyond Basic Human Comprehension’

April 19, 2022

Sunshine and still air this early-evening Tuesday here in California’s Central Valley — cloudy and overcast for most of the day, and then for some reason,shifted to clear-blue skies late this afternoon. Turn-about is fair…

News Media Falling-Down On The Job — Cut The ‘Trope’ Crap

April 10, 2022

Late-afternoon Sunday here in California’s Central Valley as the weekend quickly comes to a close in seemingly record time — and starting tomorrow another high-speed workweek consisting of an overflowing outhouse of every kind-of-bad-shit. Rain…

Journalists Reporting On Republican BS This Election Year — ‘Truth Sandwich’

March 30, 2022

Overcast with a brownish tint to the air this Wednesday early evening here in California’s Central Valley — appears as a weird combination of a tule fog remanent and forest fire smoke, though, no fires…