Category Archives: Journalism

Journalism Under Attack In Kansas — First Amendment And Death

August 13, 2023

Asshole morons, obvious First Amendment violations in the biggest journalism story of the year, and death by anxiety — nothing heavy, plus creating another example of the Streisand effect. (Illustration found here.) I read about…

‘Unscheduled Disassemblies’ — KJP Description Of DeSantis Debacle

May 25, 2023

Sunshine and early-spring-like temperatures this near-midday Thursday here in California’s Central Valley — these days are the ones we’ll fondly remember in about another month or so. Or maybe earlier. I’ve got a feeling summer’s…

MSM Covering For The T-Rump Perverts Democracy — ‘Profoundly Strange And Disturbing Behavior’

May 3, 2023

Gray clouds and weather-wise hints of possible rain showers this near-noon Wednesday here in California’s Central Valley — life continues. Yet that’s about normal. What infuriatingly continues, too, is how the MSM treats one of…