Category Archives: Journalism

T-Rump White House: Packed-Full Of ‘Casual Dishonesty’ — Former Press Secretary

September 28, 2021

Another T-Rump book hit the InterWebs this Tuesday morning, and shock and awe, he’s still an asshole piece of shit. How many of these non-literary scandal sheets are coming — just last week was Bob…

Mental Divergence Of The T-Rump Known To Assholes In High Places But ‘They Are Cowards’ For Not Making It Public

September 16, 2021

(Illustration: ‘A Wall Made of Fruitcakes,’ by Dave Whamond, and found here). In the context of T-Rump being mentally unstable — i.e., the whole Gen. Milley affair — here’s another instance of assholes in high…

In New Book, Nancy Pelosi On The T-Rump: ‘You Know He’s Crazy. He’s Been Crazy For A Long Time’

September 14, 2021

Big-bang item in the news cycle this Tuesday morning — beyond the Gavin Newsom recall election out here in California (hope to do a post on it later today) — is another horrible inside look…

Biden Blowback On Terror — ‘We Will Not Forgive. We Will Not Forget. We Will Hunt You Down And Make You Pay’

August 26, 2021

Joe Biden is handling a shocker this afternoon, usually in his normal, low-key stand-out approach on the bombings in Afghanistan (death toll has risen, now 13 in total of American military fatalities, with 14 wounded),…

Afghan Agony: Media Madness

August 16, 2021

(Illustration: ‘The Three Amigos‘ — Dick Cheney, GW Bush, Donald Rumsfeld — found here). Afghanistan continues to flame the news cycle into the afternoon — and the shit in the airwaves is poor. History and…

Afghan Agony: The Art Of Tragedy

August 8, 2021

(Illustration by Afghan artist/activist Jahan Ara Rafi, and found here). Looking beyond the domestic shitstorms this Sunday afternoon of COVID Deltas surges and corresponding displays of cruel ignorance by Republicans, the horrible debacle of Afghanistan…

T-Rump To The DOJ In December Call: ‘Just Say That The Election Was Corrupt + Leave The Rest To Me’

July 30, 2021

Weather lede again this mid-day Friday here in California’s Central Valley — we’re at 94-degrees right now with a forecast buzz-high of 104, which despite what the prediction-people say, feels like we’ve already cleared that…