Category Archives: Lying

Democracy’s Peril — Threats/Intimidations Against Election Officials Instigated By T-Rump Lies

September 9, 2021

As we stand this Thursday morning, America’s version of democracy is on the ropes. Latest assault on our system came from/in Texas, and was nearly hidden by an oversized, cruel abortion law, a free-for-all gun…

Terrible Times’ Most-Terrible Tweets

September 7, 2021

Warm and near-about comfortable this mid-day Tuesday here in California’s Central Valley — first day of the ‘fall season,’ a time zone which usually lasts until about Halloween, then the holiday season kicks in, amping…

Dali Day This Labor Day 2021 AD

September 6, 2021

(Illustration: ‘Geopoliticus Child Watching The Birth Of A New Man,’ print, by Salvador Dali, and found here). Another screw of the clock face, and it’s Labor Day again, though, here in California’s Central Valley the…

Dark Side Of Texas On Women’s Rights

September 1, 2021

Doomscrolling truly in surfing the news this late-afternoon Wednesday here in California’s Central Valley — shit, I could be anywhere and would still come across story after fucking story of shit happening, most sorry to…

It’s Official — US Out Of Afghanistan, And Other Stories

August 30, 2021

Another boilermaker day — 109-degrees outside right now (late-afternoon Monday in California’s Central Valley) — as we spin through work-week kick-off with shit hitting the fan everywhere. Probably the most-historic event today was an end…

Republicans Dying Of COVID — A Death Cult Of Imbeciles

August 24, 2021

As a nation, we’re stuck between a rock and  a hard place — the rock is the COVID Delta variant, and the hard place are Republicans — even with a vaccine receiving FDA approval, the…

Afghan Agony: Way-Big Winner — The Military-Industrial Complex

August 22, 2021

Life continues, and war will keep rolling along, too, even if brakes are applied: Biden’s been pretty-straight about the Afghan shit so far, and this morning he apparently kept it going — via NPR: In…

Collateral Day On Mars — Afghan Edition

August 20, 2021

Another brown-tinted environment this mid-day Friday here in California’s Central Valley, painted with way-faded yellow sunshine, mingled in with a thin-overcast layer of a hazel-colored sky. Air-breathing outside literally sucks: Our region still looks like…