Category Archives: Lying

‘And While Trump May Be Laughable, He Has Never Once Said Anything Wry, Witty Or Even Faintly Amusing — Not Once, Ever’

September 16, 2023

Another noon Saturday here in California’s Central Valley — weekends bleed forward it seems into next week really, really quickly. Time appears to flash past even if you’re doing absolutely nothing at all. Except for…

Idalia Weather And Republican Idiocy

August 31, 2023

Sunny and mild this near-noon Thursday here in California’s Central Valley — and considering it’s still summer, use of the descriptive word ‘mild,’ is weather-wise saying a lot. As for instance, Hurricane Idalia’s cruise through…

Republicans Are Climate-Denying Assholes And Lying Terror Mongers — No Debate!

August 24, 2023

Hot and still this near-noon Thursday here in California’s Central Valley, and once again bright, glaring sunshine to melt the air before it even touches your skin — a bit overboard, but close enough. Across…

T-Rump Horribly Impersonates A Mafia ‘Don’ — Yet Ends Up As The Donald, Idiot

August 22, 2023

Sunshine and warm this early-evening Tuesday here in California’s Central Valley — we received near-about nothing off Hilary’s wrath, and like I mentioned yesterday, most of the heavy rain and deep-seated flooding struck south and…