Category Archives: Madness

T-Rump Creating ‘High Levels of Emotionality’ With ‘Overwhelmed, Anxious, or Angry’ Americans — New Study

January 14, 2020

Our life nowadays is geared toward a sense of apprehension and dread — can’t be helped. This terrifying era of the T-Rump is one of chaos and constant clutter of shit-kicking episodes of bat-shit crazy,…

Impeachment-Bar Drinks — ‘Best Served on a Subpoena’

November 13, 2019

Foggy, damp and more-than-cool this Wednesday evening on California’s north coast — sunshine busted through a bit in the early afternoon, but slowly the scenery went all fucking gray again. Seems like everything has gotten…

T-Rump ‘A Deeply Damaged and Dysfunctional Human Being’

August 9, 2019

Beautiful Friday afternoon on California’s north coast, sunshine and warmth just about all day — a dog run to the Ma-le’l Dunes in the AM was exhaustively-most-enjoyable, and sweaty. The Redwood Gun Club’s firing range…

Crisis of Billy Barr: Too ‘Snitty’ for Legalities

May 1, 2019

Illustration to the left, Pablo Picasso’s ‘Agonizing Horse’ (found here), is another in that category of artwork epitomizing our era, fashioned on suffering: ‘Some have interpreted the horse as Franco’s Nationalism, with Picasso predicting its…

White Supremacist in the White House

March 16, 2019

(Illustration: M.C Escher’s ‘Scholastica,’ found here). Near-clear and chilly this Saturday evening here on California’s north coast — mostly sunny today, though, some cloud coverage throughout, and on the dunes at Little River Beach, the…