Life Hacked
December 18, 2014Fuzzy, high clouds this early Thursday on California’s north coast, a star can be seen every-little-bit, and the moon, now a misty-white fingernail, creeps low in the eastern sky. We’re forecast for some ‘heavy rain‘…
Fuzzy, high clouds this early Thursday on California’s north coast, a star can be seen every-little-bit, and the moon, now a misty-white fingernail, creeps low in the eastern sky. We’re forecast for some ‘heavy rain‘…
Raining with thick cloud bundles huddling close — quick snapshot off my back patio this early Wednesday on a small stretch of California’s north coast. Just a little while after sunrise, one cup coffee sipped-away,…
Overcast this afternoon, the bright sunshine of morning has withered to a dull, off-white glaze — and a bit chilly, too. Cloud cover up here on California’s north coast might also hamper viewing a space-happening…
A swelling interest in George Orwell, in a swelling Orwellian age of WikiLeaks and worldwide mega- surveillance — art imitating life, and life becoming a movie. Robert ButlerĀ at Intelligent Life magazine reviews the literature of…
Super-bright sunshine this Thursday morning on California’s north coast, or maybe the luminosity appears intense after the last few days of thick clouds and rain. We’re still forecast for rain showers today, and heavy downpour…
Clear sunshine and chilly temperatures this early Tuesday on California’s north coast — beautiful weather for the year. Not so beautiful anywhere else, though. Tip-top news story story this morning comes from Ferguson, MO —…
Clear and chilly outside this early Monday — way-high, wispy clouds, though, will most-likely tone-down sunshine — but this little patch of California’s north coast does feel the sense of real, around-here cold for the…
Overcast and some ground fog early Tuesday on California’s north coast — we’re forecast for maybe-70-percent-chance of rain this morning, and it could happen. Today is the $4 billion Day — in the weird, schizophrenic,…
Chilly-air and overcast on the first Monday in November — every once in awhile this morning, my little section of California’s north coast does get washed with some cloud-filtered sunshine for a few minutes. Maybe…
Overcast and chilly here this early Friday on California’s north coast — on occasion, bright, quick rays of sunshine. Costume holiday — one of our more-weird, and disturbing festivities today, All Saints Eve, or Halloween.…