Category Archives: Media

COVID Variants, A Deadly Heat Wave, And T-Rump A Psychopathic Asshole — Some News For The Day, Most Known Way-Already!

June 15, 2021

Usually, in putting together the couple of posts I do about every day, there’s always some seemingly-more interesting than the dozens of serious/important news items flashing across our screens 24/7, and one or two worthy…

California’s COVID Crusade: We Reopen! — What Next?

June 15, 2021

After an elderly guy in Placer County died in March 2020, the first COVID-19 death in California, the state with the rest of the country went into near-shock mode with lockdowns/shutdowns/stay-at-home orders, etc. that would…

Joe Biden Calls Out The T-Rump By Name, But A Full-Court Legal Press Is Needed To Bring The Asshole To Justice

June 14, 2021

Although Joe Biden has called-out T-Rump by name before (albeit just, “this guy“), he went hard and heavy against the orange-turded asshole today in a press conference in Belgium, while also sticking GQPers-feet to the…

Why Is Merrick Garland Trying To Whitewash The T-Rump and Billy Barr?

June 11, 2021

Cool and breezy this Friday morning here in California’s Central Valley, loving the delay in the heated-summer days immediately ahead — and also grasping the pre-Friday news dump drop from last night, where it was…

Too Late The Hero — Don McGahn’s Congressional Testimony Near-Useless In The Nowadays, Except To Make Everyone Mad As Shit The T-Rump Will Slide

June 9, 2021

A rehash today sort of in old news, shit now without consequence, other than for flashback dark-comedic laughs: Background/details via Law&Crime, late this afternoon: In a fit of pique over Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia…

‘Joints-For-Jabs’ A Real Thing — Incentive To Get Vaccinated!

June 8, 2021

Although the entire concept is crazy — an incentive to make you get a free, easy, near-painless injection that could save you or your family from a most-gruesome death — and these inducements have ranged…