Category Archives: Orwellian

Despite The Repugnant Horror, T-Rump Will Not ‘Simply Go Away’

January 16, 2024

In just a couple of weeks of a new year, we’ve gotten a tally on how shitty this election coming to ground already is going to be — here this Tuesday afternoon, last night’s Iowa…

Insurrection-Inciter T-Rump And The Vicious Lying Lies

January 8, 2024

Another Monday in a new year with a lot of hold-over shit still bubbling along, especially with the Jan. 6 insurrection/riot at the US Capitol three years ago a forefront news item that will most…

Hunter Biden: ‘They’re Trying To Kill Me Through Other Means. And I Just Won’t Let ’Em’

December 8, 2023

Ending the workweek this Friday evening with a glance at Hunter Biden and how House Republicans can’t get their shit together to even offer nonsensical accusations at Joe Biden’s son — yesterday Hunter was indicted…

The Day After Yesterday — Crazy MAGA Talk ‘Ecosystem’ Translates Into Threats

November 24, 2023

Here we are on Friday, the day after yesterday. Although there’s great news out of Gaza, in America, the Republican brand remains not-screwed-on-tight with letting go of the crazy. Not only from the T-Rump —…

House Speaker Shitstorm Maybe Allows Americans ‘To See The Dysfunction Of Today’s GOP Up Close’

October 23, 2023

Clear and a bit on the chilly side this late-afternoon Monday here in California’s Central Valley — finally it looks as though we’re in that trough of autumn, cool days supposedly ahead. Politically-cold winter festers…

Mayhem Masterclass Nearly 50 Years In The Making — Republicans And Incompetent Arrogance

October 18, 2023

Late afternoon Wednesday here in California’s Central Valley — midweek hump as it’s all a bullshit coast now until Friday. Meanwhile, tomorrow is another day in the life of the really, really screwed-up Republican House…

House GOP Sucked-Up Again — ‘Like Halloween Has Come Early’

October 17, 2023

Tuesday early evening here in California’s Central Valley — fine day again. And way to the East, another non-fine day as House Republicans buffed themselves into a corner of nothingness. Asshole, thug-bully Gym Jordan tried…