Category Archives: Orwellian

Polls: Despite Immense Degeneracy, T-Rump Shines

September 5, 2023

Sunny and warm a few minutes after the noon hour this Tuesday here in California’s Central Valley — summer falling into autumn nice and easy. So far, anyway. In doomscrolling the news this morning, I…

T-Rump Horribly Impersonates A Mafia ‘Don’ — Yet Ends Up As The Donald, Idiot

August 22, 2023

Sunshine and warm this early-evening Tuesday here in California’s Central Valley — we received near-about nothing off Hilary’s wrath, and like I mentioned yesterday, most of the heavy rain and deep-seated flooding struck south and…

Not Guilty By Reason Of ‘Delusion’ — Democracy Hanging On Total Bullshit!

August 3, 2023

(Sketch above by Jane Rosenberg for Reuters, and found here.) Once again the T-Rump was in a packed, anxious courtroom this afternoon for more criminal activity (The Washington Post): ‘Former president Donald Trump pleaded not…

T-Rump Indicted For Inciting Insurrection/Riot — ‘Fueled By Lies’

August 1, 2023

Already breathlessly awaiting the news, the vast InterWebs became awash this Tuesday afternoon with the announcement: A grand jury has indicted former president Donald Trump for multiple alleged crimes stemming from his efforts to overturn the results…