Category Archives: Politics

Trump and the Deutsche Bank: A Tale of Bullshit

March 18, 2019

(Illustration: Salvador Dali’s ‘Hell Canto 2: Giants,’ found here). Clear and sunny Monday evening here on California’s north coast — another gorgeous day, though some coastal fog was encountered earlier this afternoon out on Manila’s beaches…

White Supremacist in the White House

March 16, 2019

(Illustration: M.C Escher’s ‘Scholastica,’ found here). Near-clear and chilly this Saturday evening here on California’s north coast — mostly sunny today, though, some cloud coverage throughout, and on the dunes at Little River Beach, the…

Trump’s Nuclear-War Prep: ‘A Recipe For A Horror Show’

March 14, 2019

Just when the black-comedy shit gets real, and it’s WTF: One of the few actual capabilities of the T-Rump is in sowing uneducated chaos — an acknowledgment of that talent last month from Joe Balash,…

Saving the Daylights Once Again

March 10, 2019

(Illustration: M.C. Escher’s ‘Tower of Babel,’ found here). Sunshine chilled by crispy-breezes this late-afternoon Sunday on California’s north coast, fully a gorgeous day, even despite a run-in earlier with some weather  — walking the dogs…