Category Archives: Politics

‘Dozens of Unfiltered Lies into the Political Bloodstream’

January 7, 2019

(Illustration: ‘Pinocchio,’ by Enrico Mazzanti (1852-1910), found here). Overcast-gray skies this late-afternoon Monday here on California’s north coast — deep-cloudy just about all day, but the NWS forecasts ‘Widespread Rain‘ (1-3-inches at least) with ‘Strong Winds‘…

‘Evidence Free Zone’

December 13, 2018

(Illustration: Salvador Dali’s ‘Exploding Raphaelesque Head,’ found here). As the crookedly-corrupt cookie crumbles, petulant incompetent crime boss, the T-Rump, slapped snotty: — according to the UK’s Independent this morning: Donald Trump has reportedly cancelled the…

Just the Facts, Ma’am

December 12, 2018

(Illustration above: Pablo Picasso’s ‘Weeping Woman,’ found here). Punch-back is in the wind — good attitude already from Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who today took rightful-issue with White House spin-noddle Kellyanne Conway on reality, not “alternative facts.”…

Drama Queen — ‘all-Donald-all-the-time universe we live in’

December 10, 2018

(Illustration: Pablo Picasso’s ‘Self Portrait Facing Death‘ (June 30, 1972), was originally found here). Chilly-dark this Monday evening on California’s north coast, sunshine through-out the day, a little rain expected tomorrow, more sun Wednesday and…