Category Archives: Politics

CDC Time Watch — Masks Requirements Make A Difference And Vaccine Denial Is Political Bullshit

September 26, 2021

Forest-fire skies this late-afternoon Sunday here in California’s Central Valley — brown-stained air from the wildfires south of us in the Sequoia National Park, which keeps a lid on any clean sunshine. Reportedly, the fires…

No Executive Privilege For The Lying T-Rump — ‘Extremely Dilute And Not Really Relevant’

September 24, 2021

Warm and brown-tinted overcast this late-afternoon Friday here in California’s Central Valley, and summer clings to us like the horror of seeing T-Rump play golf. In my post earlier today on the maybe/seemingly dismal future…

America On The Brink Of Disaster — ‘You Should Be Ashamed Of Your Incivility’

September 24, 2021

This country is indeed in frightful, dispiriting peril. A for instance: In response to the terrible Texas law, House Democrats this morning passed the Women’s Health and Protection Act, which would establish a federal right…

In The Rafters With The Debt Ceiling

September 23, 2021

(Illustration: ‘Government Shutdown Crisis,’ by Nonja Tiller, and found here). As if Americans didn’t currently have enough on their collective-disaster plate, now there’s the idiotic GQP-influenced debt ceiling bullshit, maybe leading to a US government…

America’s Murder Rate Last Year Highest Since 1960 — No Precedent For The Increase

September 23, 2021

Cool and comfortable this mid-day Thursday here in California’s Central Valley as apparently-obvious we’re into the autumn season — if only it stayed this way. Winter, however, is now one day closer. Dying in the…