Category Archives: racism

COVID Count: Higher Death Toll Than Spanish Flu — ‘Gob-Gob-Gob-Smacked To The Nth Degree’

September 20, 2021

Major news this Monday afternoon beyond the Wall Street market meltdown is an ugly benchmark made with the current continual horror-story — COVID-19 — as the US has apparently eclipsed Spanish flu dying a hundred…

Image Of The Now — Asymmetrical War Between Fact And ‘Bonkers’ Fiction

June 4, 2021

Reality bites the hand (h/t MissCellania): Although the T-Rump is the asshole who let the proverbial horse out of the reality barn, the Republican party has been slipping the bonds of crazy for decades, made-more…

‘Foxmania’ Can Supposedly Disappear Racism And Insurrection

May 6, 2021

America seems to be getting more dark and silly: Anthony Antonio’s story today from above is folded unhingedly into the tale of another insurrectionist arrested after the Jan. 6 US Capitol onslaught — a nutcase…

GW Bush ‘Shocked’ Americans Can’t Believe He And Michelle Obama Are ‘Friends’ — A War Criminal Thinks That, Huh?

April 19, 2021

Hopping-mad crazy the world this Monday afternoon with shit sticking to every corner and crevice of society and feeling like the whole apparatus could explode in a screaming fireball at any second. Animosity against our…