Category Archives: Republicans

Republicans Put Oil/Gas Before Climate Change — New Distraction ‘Shiny Object’ Is A Phony Care For The Environment

June 10, 2021

Beyond the anti-democratic horrors created by Republicans for this country’s immediate weeks and months, these ass-wipes are also endangering the not-so-distant future for the entire freaking planet — climate change is a most-way-real catastrophe and…

Too Late The Hero — Don McGahn’s Congressional Testimony Near-Useless In The Nowadays, Except To Make Everyone Mad As Shit The T-Rump Will Slide

June 9, 2021

A rehash today sort of in old news, shit now without consequence, other than for flashback dark-comedic laughs: Background/details via Law&Crime, late this afternoon: In a fit of pique over Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia…

Dastardly Debbie-Downer For Democracy — Manchin Mangles America!

June 6, 2021

Joe Manchin is a self-centered, self-righteous asshole. He made it official this morning in an unofficial opinion piece he’d never vote for the ‘For The People Act‘ — maybe the only sole/soul survivor in the…

Judge Overturns California’s AR-15 Ban — States The Rifle ‘Like The Swiss-Army Knife,’ Despite The Pure Fact It Ain’t No Fucking Knife

June 5, 2021

In the spirit of murderous mass shootings, and coming yesterday way-ironically on National Gun Violence Awareness Day — this is asshole-insane: Details via KTLA, updated last night: A federal judge Friday overturned California’s three-decade-old ban…

Image Of The Now — Asymmetrical War Between Fact And ‘Bonkers’ Fiction

June 4, 2021

Reality bites the hand (h/t MissCellania): Although the T-Rump is the asshole who let the proverbial horse out of the reality barn, the Republican party has been slipping the bonds of crazy for decades, made-more…

Republicans Can’t Handle The Truth! In Fact, They Have Way-Trouble Discerning Fact From Fiction — New Study

June 2, 2021

(Illustration found here). As much bullshit is scattered about nowadays, it wasn’t surprising to learn today, according to a new study, conservatives/right-wingers/Republicans have a hard time grasping the truth of a matter. The research-study was…

Guns And Never-Ending Mass Shootings: ‘Do I Feel Lucky?’ — Shit No!

May 26, 2021

Once again today the continued aftermath-horror of an insane plague infecting our country — California Gov. Gavin Newsom earlier in the afternoon: “It begs the damn question, what the hell is going on in the…