Category Archives: Republicans

Republicans To Americans: ‘A Hammer To Their Kneecaps’

November 17, 2023

Dark too soon this early-evening Friday here in California’s Central Valley — another week of useless Republican non-governance as the sun sets across a chaotic, close-to-the-edge-of democratic catastrophe America; a clusterfuck of a shitstorm for…

House Speaker Shitstorm Maybe Allows Americans ‘To See The Dysfunction Of Today’s GOP Up Close’

October 23, 2023

Clear and a bit on the chilly side this late-afternoon Monday here in California’s Central Valley — finally it looks as though we’re in that trough of autumn, cool days supposedly ahead. Politically-cold winter festers…

Mayhem Masterclass Nearly 50 Years In The Making — Republicans And Incompetent Arrogance

October 18, 2023

Late afternoon Wednesday here in California’s Central Valley — midweek hump as it’s all a bullshit coast now until Friday. Meanwhile, tomorrow is another day in the life of the really, really screwed-up Republican House…

House GOP Sucked-Up Again — ‘Like Halloween Has Come Early’

October 17, 2023

Tuesday early evening here in California’s Central Valley — fine day again. And way to the East, another non-fine day as House Republicans buffed themselves into a corner of nothingness. Asshole, thug-bully Gym Jordan tried…

Republican Carnage

October 3, 2023

Soft, warm sunshine this late-afternoon Tuesday here in California’s Central Valley, another example of a really comfortable fall season — so far. Weather-wise OK, but not so ‘comfortable‘ overall being in the nowadays — such…