Tag Archives: bullshit

‘Rage’ Ripe Republicans Suffering ‘Derangement Feedback Loop’

January 12, 2022

Overcast and chilly this early-evening Wednesday here in California’s Central Valley — another gorgeous winter day until late in the afternoon, and fairly warm for the season this morning. Weathering the weather is nothing well-worth…

Unprecedented Tech Whirlwind Creating Chaos — 2021 A Year Of Living ‘Faster And Faster’ And 2022 Most-Likely Even Worse

December 19, 2021

Bypassing the roaring news cycle this evening, a brief current-affairs history insight. In this past year, along with a horrifying, never-ending pandemic, severely-serious Republican democracy dismantlement (and pandemic enhancement), and a shitload of lesser ills,…

An Attempted Coup, Polar Bears And Terrible Weather — ‘Really Abnormal’

December 16, 2021

In the flow of news this Thursday afternoon, here’s a potpourri post of politics and an oddity of what makes the nowadays weird as shit — and a future-looking narrow hope right now. If Republicans…

Democracy In Peril — GOP Gerry-rigging 2022 Elections

November 16, 2021

Fog again this late-afternoon Tuesday here in California’s Central Valley — tule gloom thick and depressing. After days of this shit, life seems to be a little sadder and ominous than even in the thinnest…

Gen. Milley On Afghan Army Disintegration: No One ‘Predicted A Security Force Of 300,000 Would Evaporate In 11 Days’

August 18, 2021

Brown tint to the air this late-afternoon Wednesday here in California’s Central Valley, and with it a most-definite scent of burnt wood in the small breeze wafting about in the trees — fire is for…

Enigma Of Collective Soul Shines On HG Wells — ‘A Neighbor From Another World Residing In A Jar’

August 17, 2021

As this Tuesday morning is a nasty news day already — between Afghanistan and COVID the shit’s in the fire. And to somewhat lessen the shit-fall, a post of mystery for all of us living…

T-Rump Ascending — Not!

August 13, 2021

A warm comfortable outside this mid-day Friday here in California’s Central Valley — we haven’t felt the rigorous heat reportedly scorching through the Pacific Northwest, but the day is still young. Today, too, is purportedly…