Tag Archives: climate change

Climate Change And Early-Blooming Cherry Blossoms

April 3, 2021

(Illustration: ‘Cherry Tree Blossoms in Washington DC,’ by Donna Tuten, and found here). In the onslaught of frightful items on the agenda of the nowadays, from COVID to racism to economic woes, the huge, massive…

Climate Change: By 2100 We’ll Have Just A Month Of Winter A Year

March 21, 2021

(Illustration found here). Even as the days churn onward, climate change is a most-persistent bitch and will only get way-worse if no heavy-duty steps are taken, and the way the situation is building — even…

Global Heat: High ‘Wet Bulb Temperatures’ Intolerable For Humans

March 8, 2021

(Illustration: ‘Global Warming,’  abstract-acrylic, by  Dennis Nadeau, and found here). Beyond the normal calamities of everyday life nowadays, like COVID-19 and whatever Republicans are up to, some old-fashion back-burner news on our swiftly-deteriorating envirnoment getting…

America Rejoins Paris Climate Accord Just As Texas Proves We Are Not Prepared To Combat Global Warming

February 19, 2021

(Illustration from the UN’s International Children’s Painting Competition, and found here). One of the top-tier news stories the last few cycles has been the weather in Texas, and really, throughout the southern US as a…

Climate Change — Biden Takes ‘Whole-of-Government Approach’ To Handling The Crisis

January 27, 2021

Weather and climate hit the top spot for news this Wednesday morning as winter storms coast-to-coast are wreaking havoc across the board — here in California’s Central Valley we’re in the middle of heavy rains…

US Back In The Climate-Change Game: Kerry Speaks To UN Summit

January 25, 2021

One of the top-notch items on President Joe Biden’s agenda is a return full-steam to addressing climate change, which under T-Rump was not just put on a back burner, but tossed-off the stove completely. In…

2020 Hottest Year On Record: ‘A Precursor Of More To Come’

January 14, 2021

Although all the screaming in the news cycle right now is primarily US domestic bullshit, any emphasis on the ugly elephant in the room (not the GOP) right now, which is climate change, goes near-about…