Pulling Weeds in Peachy Weather
March 23, 2014Bright, bubbly and hot here this Sunday afternoon on California’s north coast — caps a gorgeous weekend as yesterday was much the same. In fact, in a rare instance for me in this region, I’m…
Bright, bubbly and hot here this Sunday afternoon on California’s north coast — caps a gorgeous weekend as yesterday was much the same. In fact, in a rare instance for me in this region, I’m…
Overcast with a chilly breeze this early Thursday on California’s north coast as we grind through another work week. Friday is just a flip-of-the-finger away. We had a bit of nasty news yesterday afternoon from…
Overcast and foggy with a chill in the air this early Sunday on California’s north coast — but if predictions are near-about correct, and we follow the course of the past week or so, sunshine…
Another clear and breezy morning this Thursday on California’s north coast as we prepare for the weekend — and the weather is cooperating. Yesterday was pure gorgeous. Bright sunshine with very-little wind, which is abnormal…
Rain and a bit of wind this early morning, but knock all the weather aside, the big event happened a few hours ago — a 6.9 earthquake about 70 miles from me. Seventy miles ain’t…
Gray skies covered by thick-looking clouds this early Saturday on California’s north coast — no indication, though, of the end results. In exactly 24 hours from exactly now, I’ll be an hour ahead of myself,…
Overcast, drizzly and warm this mid-week Wednesday, and here on California’s north coast we feeling like spring. Yesterday was pure sunshine and heat — March came in as a soft, sweet putty-cat. And today, earth…
Steady rain with fog this way-too-early Thursday here on California’s north coast as we wade through a series of weather systems guaranteed to water-down the region, but not stop the dry. Fog with rain seems…
Crystal-clear and cold in an alliterated early Friday here on California’s north coast — all is quiet. We’re supposed to have sunshine and warm temperatures the next few days, and no rain for some time.…
High overcast and a bit on the cold side this way-too-early Thursday on California’s north coast, with not much rain in sight for the next few days. The weekend is forecast for sunny and warm…