Tag Archives: economy

‘Stay-at-Home’ to Fight The Virus

November 19, 2020

Crystal-clear and chilly this early-evening Thursday in California’s Central Valley as we bring another dislocated workweek close to completion — one more day and we’re into the weekend. Yeah — screamed in a faintly-audible whisper.…

T-Rump Says Number of US COVID-19 Cases ‘A Badge of Honor”

May 19, 2020

A sunny and breezy early-evening Tuesday here in California’s Central Valley. Big, white clouds, too, and a cool-ish temperature (70-degrees right now) and an unfamiliar feel to the air — we had some fairly-heavy hail…

T-Rump Says Everything is Going to be Great: ‘I feel it’

April 30, 2020

Sunny and breezy a few minutes past the Thursday noon hour here in California’s Central Valley. Warm, but not bad and nowhere like the last couple of days, the cool wind helps, I’m sure —…

Twit T-Rump ‘Furious’ at Gov. Cuomo for being Competent

March 22, 2020

(Illustration found here). As we spin through this weird-ass conundrum of the coronavirus, our biggest enemy in acquiring a handle on the pandemic is the T-Rump, and his self-centered bullshit that’s impeding an organized assault…

Kushner-Ross — Malignant Morons

January 30, 2020

As most-all eyes are fastened on daddy T-Rump’s idiotic impeachment trial, son-in-law Jared Kushner is making the world safe for grifters: Some background via Vanity Fair yesterday: Last June, more than two years after his…

Study: Upper Classes ‘Overconfident’ in Personal Abilities, a Factor ‘Misinterpreted’ as ‘Greater Competence’

May 21, 2019

Privilege has its most advantage in just being an advantage — a new study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology reveals nothing new, rich people’s shit don’t stink even if polecats, (at…