Tag Archives: global warming

Climate Change vs COVID — ‘Unfortunately There Is No Vaccine For Climate Change’

August 2, 2021

In the current stock of things this Monday afternoon — like Greece. Today the CDC put Greece and 15 other countries on a “Level 4: COVID-19 Very High” shit list for Americans to travel due to…

‘Earth Overshoot Day’ — A Climate Change/Humanity Indicator

July 29, 2021

Some more climate-related items for this Thursday afternoon as the weekend looms just ahead — another wrecked week of weird. A special day today, sort of hand-in-hand with climate change and the environment — Earth…

Climate Change ‘Tipping Points’ Are Here — Time Is Of The Panicked Essence

July 28, 2021

Despite all the juice from a shitload of news, the climate crisis caught my attention again this afternoon, especially with reports that we’re close to tipping points for the worse aspects of global warming, if…

‘Climate Change Is Here, It’s Real And It’s Like A Hammer Hitting Us In The Head’

July 25, 2021

Overcast a bit this Sunday afternoon here in California’s Central Valley, yet still hot as shit — just at the century mark temperature-wise right now, which maybe/hopefully will be the high for the day and…

Wildfires, Smoke And COVID

July 23, 2021

(Illustration  Statue of Liberty and a part of New York harbor a couple of days ago — image found here). Near-clear skies and getting warmer this mid-day Friday here in California’s Central Valley — we’re…

Is Climate Change Affecting Our Normal Weather? ‘You Bet!’

July 21, 2021

Warm but not on the boil side this late-afternoon Wednesday here in California’s Central Valley — just regular summertime shit with temperatures simmering just under the century mark, with more of the same expected the…

Weather Disasters Worldwide: ‘We Need To Get Really Serious About Climate Change’

July 17, 2021

Weather and its ascribed consequences continue to hold sway this late-afternoon Saturday here in California’s Central Valley, we’re heavy-hot as we’re forecast for another ‘mega-heat-wave’ type-roll for the next few days, but happily not all…

Climate Change And ‘Stayin’ Alive’

July 16, 2021

Genius in rhythm and time — saw this earlier today at Miss Cellania‘s and it’s one of those can’t-look-away thingies: Now, guaranteed to bring you right back down — weather-impacts off climate change are being…

Current Heat Waves ‘Is Bringing Us Into Uncharted Territory’ With Climate Change

July 9, 2021

Good afternoon. Warmer-than-warm this Friday — started this post originally for yesterday afternoon, but got sidesteped by an earthquake, nothing heavy. After the excitement, the settling-down and figuring-out what to do, I guickly banged out…