Tag Archives: GOP

Danger Of Mob Mentality And Violence On Democracy

November 9, 2021

Thick overcast and looking like rain this mid-day Tuesday here in California’s Central Valley — we had some last night, but none so far today, though, it appears ready to unleash a torrent at any…

In Reality Time Climate Change Makes ‘Mother Nature’ Meaner

November 2, 2021

In an attempt this late-afternoon Tuesday to stay away from news on the Virginia governor’s race (too anxiety-like depressing), and the sad shenanigans in DC (Asshole Joe Manchin being an asshole, also down-deep depressing) as…

Cold-Coal Joe In A Petri Dish — ‘I Don’t Know Where In The Hell I Belong’

October 26, 2021

(Illustration: Cartoon by Kevin Kallaugher (KAL), and found here). One of the worst people on the planet right now is most-likely Joe Manchin. I know, I know there are murderers out there, rapists, child abusers/pedophiles,…

Colin Powell And COVID — Also War Crimes

October 18, 2021

Colin Powell died earlier today — as I’m sure you now know  — he was 84 and lived a high-flying military life. Despite all the achievements, he will be remembered most/best for lying at the…

Adam Kinzinger And The Insurrection: ‘We fully intend to enforce’ Committee Subpoenas (UPDATE)

October 15, 2021

UPDATE: Late-afternoon Friday: Background per CNN: The President’s comments, the strongest yet from Biden on possible repercussions for those who refuse to cooperate with the select committee’s requests, upended days of discipline from the White…

Steve Bannon To Be Held In Contempt (In Criminal Proceedings, Too)

October 14, 2021

In a small, first step in bringing accountability to the horror-mischief of T-Rump and his boys, the House select committee investigating the Jn. 6 insurrection/coup/riot will push the DOJ to hold Steve Bannon in contempt…