Tag Archives: health

Biden: COVID Vaccine Program Inherited From T-Rump ‘In Worse Shape Than We Anticipated Or Expected’

January 30, 2021

Circumstances so far in 2021 appear to make this less-than-a-month year a ratcheting-up squel to 2020, though, with a way-different hand at the national helm there’s some sure footing at least for a while. Still,…

California Stay-At-Home Order Lifted: Party On — Wrong!!

January 26, 2021

One scary COVID-19 phenomenon is whenever there’s a perceived downward curve on infections/hospitalizations/deaths our whole shit melts away and we breathe a sigh of relief, reopen closed societies and try to regain a sense of…

US Back In The Climate-Change Game: Kerry Speaks To UN Summit

January 25, 2021

One of the top-notch items on President Joe Biden’s agenda is a return full-steam to addressing climate change, which under T-Rump was not just put on a back burner, but tossed-off the stove completely. In…

Science Of COVID Misinformation And Dumb-Ass Conspiracy Theories

January 23, 2021

(Illustration:  Woodblock print by the Japanese ukiyo-e artist Hokusai, ‘The Great Wave,’ found here). In human behavior it seems, accepting belief in a nut-job conspiracy theory and handling COVID-19 misinformation are two distinct dumb-ass positions.…

Day One Of ‘Square One’

January 21, 2021

Yesterday was one of those watershed-type days. Personally, I received an excellent follow-up medical review at UC Davis off my cancer surgery more than two years ago (next exam in a year), and nationally, Joe…

US COVID Vaccine Roll-Out Not The Worst, But Still Terrible

January 19, 2021

By this rime tomorrow, we’ll be in a brand-new timeframe, hopefully similar like before-timeframe, like Before Times, like before the T-Rump shit on the country. If only we could erase memory (Republicans will indeed practice…

Rep. Coleman Tests Positive For COVID — Probably Got It From Maskless GOPers During Riot

January 11, 2021

Beyond the insurrectional riot at the nation’s Capitol last Wednesday, a major concern is the pandemic and the mass of maskless assholes both coming from outside the building, but also from Republican Congresscritters who in…

US Capitol Riot Maybe A COVID-19 Superspreader Event

January 7, 2021

Consequences off the terrible T-Rump-induced rumble/riot yesterday at/in the nation’s Capitol carries not only grave democracy overtones, but also dire medical issues, like for instance, a surging-ass pandemic that’s spread by breathing on one another.…